What an amazing night!!!!
Yesterday, Saturday night, as I told you was a party night...
And, well, we made it fabulous lol.
We all were in a great mood and so happy to be together as usual for a crazy party night.
First I came to pick up my Reb, at her place, to chat a lil and then take the road...
There was already Franck and the Diva waiting for us at the Palmier bar...already with some Cosmopolitan in their stomach!!!
I went with Francois to finalise the details for Reb's birthday and then went to Café Beaubourg to eat some disgusting langoustina carpaccio (Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww). (please Reb when I'm speaking please listen!!lol you spend all your dinner to eat Marc Olivier Fogiel instead of your pasta!!!)
Back to the Palmier to take some shots and Seb and his boyfriend came at last.
Couples of Tequilla shots later we decided to moce to the Dandy's.
Some pics for you...
Reb fantastic as usal
and more beautiful than never, and our Slutty Diva striking a pose, these pics was at the beginning....Let's check some more....
Hey Mariah's brother, can you just give your fat sister her crappy fur back ???
You look so gorgeous!!!
And this is Seb and Max, glamour couple of the night, I have to say I am so happy for you, both. I hope this will last as long as possible, Seb, you found someone right, that you love and you deserve it. He seems cool, nice, honest and fun; I am so glad so see you happy at last. You came through some really tough times and we know both what I'm talkin bout, life was a kinda bitch but you know what that's over!!!!I just wanted to say that I love you and when I feeling alone at night I know that it's not for long and that I will ear your voice...thanx for that.
Max, I dun know you that much and I know it's hard to come in our crew and to share Seb with us lol. I know you 'd prefer to stay with him alone, and I thank you for being so kind all night long. I hope you keep a great memory of that night and I hope I 'll see you soon. Please take care of Seb!!!
Couples of drinks and bottle of champagne later let's check my bitches....Look at the corpses on the table lol my God!!!!
I am sorry lol...
Where is the Dignity???
I love you my bitches, I can't imagine how my life will be without you! Not just our crazy nights but our friendship is so real and so pure!!!!! Thanx for being always here for me, let's hope there will be some thousand more nights like this...lol, and we will finally look like Liza Minelli.
That's enough lol...Then we went to Queen club for a fu**ing amazing party, really, I enjoyed myself so much. We took some Tequilla bottle(again!!) and kick the club ass!!!!!!
You rule bitches really!!!!
Finally 4.15 am we decided to leave and to come home I took the very last pic nd you know what no matter what time it is and whatever we've done we still F**ing amazingly fabulous.
Thanx for that night...Fake, Fabulous, gorgeous, slutty, natural killers, nasty were our keywords!!!We had an anthem for this night let's share it with the world...
Here's the link for the song : Fake - Another Brick (of fake tan!!!)lol
I love you.....
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