Friday, August 04, 2006


Yesterday one of my dreams came true. Let me explain, I am part of those who were kids in the eighties so during all my childhood I used to see the first japanese cartoons...My first of all was Gigi and I kept this cartoon in my memory as my favorite and most representative of my young years.
So yesterday I turned on my tv circa 13h15 on France 5 (which is the only one to broadcast this kind of japanese memory) and MY GOD, there was GIGI!!!!!!
I felt the most happier man in the world !!
I know it's quite ridiculous but with my Reb we've never left our "japanimation"love and we love to hear and sing all of the songs of these cartoons!

I wanted to share with you a lil video highlight and the song of Gigi...
Never lost your childhood memories and dreams.
Gigi rules...80's rules...

Here's the video:
and here's the song:

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