Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ok I just have something burning my lips, I have to share!!!
Most of you probably know that I am so unlucky with men ( maybe I deserve it!!) and I quite desperate those days. You know it's fun you really dun care about lonely people when you have someone but when you're alone you just Hate couples...
It became a real obsession to find someone, I know that's not the good way to behave but I feel so lonely; I get out to clubs, bars or coffee shop just waiting for a wink or a look but nothing!!!!Unfortunatly my ego problems just go worse and worse every night...and I fee so bad those days ...but I dun want to ennoying people with that I feel so boring just to talk 'bout the same thing everytime.
But hey I got to move on but that's not easy...I miss tenderness, I miss someone, I feel so ugly, I feel alone!!No calls exept my poor Bitches who bare me I dun know how!!!!!I do love you!!!
It's been for weeks now that I feel that way and I dun get better!!!!
I'm going to see my Bitches this week end and to take my mind outta this sh*t, have a lil fun...
We'll see in few days if things are getting a lil better...

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