Sunday, September 03, 2006


Summer as gone last night and our madness night too. I would like to say thank you to everyone for maybe one of my best summer ever!!!My bitches and I ruled every fu**ing saturday night and yesterday was probably the most bitchiest day of the season!!!
Reb, I know you weren't there because of your sunday job but we had a special thought for ya!!!
Friday night I went to see the latest MNight Shayamalan movie with Nicolas and then having a drink at the Palmier. Finally a Cosmopolitan later we decided to leave to Nicolas 's place where I stayed all week end!!!It was a dream, staying with him, sleeping with him....
After a saturday just doing the "vegetables" we picked up Reb at the shop straight for the Palmier. Franck was already there drinking....water and mint loooooooooool.

Seb joined us, we were waiting for the Slutty Diva to kick off the Bitchy night!!!
Finally, the Diva arrived ...let's kick the world ass bitches!!!
Enjoy these pix!!!!!

Finally my first pic with my bf Nicolas, I know I dun know you that long but it's like I know you since always. I feel so good when you're around and it's so good to know that you have your path in life and you make me laugh so much lol. I luv you. Thanx for being so kind and so patient with me lol.

Hey my Slutty Diva, I know that those days are kinda harsh for you, but dun forget that you've got friends, maybe not the greatest or the coolest but people who loves you really for who you are!!I'm one of those, you know that I'm here for ya, day and night; everytime. I just want you to realized how amazing you are...not just because you 're one of my best friend but just because you're a great human being...I love you!

My bf and my Reb together...a dream. Reb I'm glad you like him because you know how important is you advices for me. This week is the beginning of something new for us maybe our biggest bet in life, and my God we're in, we're gonna make it at last!!!!Let's hope our fake tan won't make em scared lool. I thank you for being by my side this long, most of the things I've changed in my life won't be If I didn't have you!!!!Thank you for being here.I do love you sweetie.

We went for couple of drinks at The Dandy's and Ralph joined us!!!

Reb and Ralph left us and we moved to the Club 18 for our Bitchy night...Ok I have to confess as I'm an excess boy in life, I choose an excess-whore outfit for partying lol. I made a sleeveless Bitch-at-work tee shirt and wore a micro jeans pants, lol.

Here's Franck and a guy that he met at the Club 18 , Mohamed, he introduced him to us and get all night long with him!!Hope it's the good one for you bitch.....I'll stay tuned to this story!!!!You deserve to find a great man and be happy with !!!You deserve to be happy, you've done so much for all of us...

And finally Nicolas take some snapshots of me and my bitches at the nightclub....not that bad my luv....We were so fake, so outrageous, so bitchy, everytime in xs loooooooooool. Thanx for that great night. Here's me and Seb.

This summer is over, we had some terrific nights, but not only this was a true revelation for our friendship!!!!I love you all and dun forget like in everything in life this is not the end of something; it's just the beginning of the better....

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