Monday, September 11, 2006


This saturday was amazing!!!!!We laugh as never!!!I met Reb and my bitches at The Palmier ....We took a drink and then a bottle of Champagne was waiting for us at the Dandy's (thanx Franck...)and then all of my Bitches went crazy!!!!
Just remember the "chaudron ass" and "Jean Paul ft Yvette Horner"... My God!!!!
Thanx to Reb for an hair lesson to look so fabulous and what a Diva you are!!!
You're our Icon!!!!
Strike this pose lol, I dun know how you're doing to be so great but you're our light!!!!
I'm glad to make The Cours Florent with you, I know it's was kinda hard the first time but hey!!! darling!!you know you're great and how charismatic you are so blow the other fu***ing girls away!!!!!I know you'll make it !!!!!

Slutty Diva, I was happy to see you in a great mood; I enjoy our lil chat in the toilets lol (so Sex and the City ), I hope this year will be better than this summer for ya, U know what I 'm talkin'bout, you know that you're great and full of qualities...It was a great joy to see you laughing and enjoying the party. I do love you and hope that you'll be better everyday my lil bro!!!!

Franck, what more can I say bout you lol? , I hope you dun hate me after that lil Mariah joke ....Being with you is such a great fresh air in my head that is so coooooooooooool . I 'm glad that your harsh time from this summer are far being you and that you're really happy with new projects ....I love you so much .

And to finish, Nicolas, hey babe I had a really great week end, all beginned friday night with a lil movie, Lil Miss Sunshine (which was really great!!!!!) and a drink and after thsi you invited me to a sushi bar.....We got home, saturday we went shopping and having some rest for the night. Sunday was amazing, despite the fact that we were tired we went to the Champs-Elysées for a sunny afternon at Haagen Dasz, Montecristo café and obviously shopping....

We went home, tired but so happy with that shiny afternoon...Thanx for that babe!!!!!

I know it's harder every week to leave but we having some great quality times together that's the most important to me!!!!

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