Monday, July 31, 2006


This was a really cool afternoon thanks to my Reb!!!
We went to see a cool movie in Bercy ("Ces jours Heureux" quite fun!!!)
and then we went to our fake-tan search... As most of you probably ignore, the search of the best fake-tan is a kinda crusade!!!!So straight to Sephora Store looking for the perfect one!!
We dun want it natural, we dun want it discrete, we wanna look like we're back from Bamako or Dakar!!!!
This is the real image of what the Paradise look like!!!

Reb found out some heavy powder to look like Ivana Trump after 3 months under the sun of St Tropez..She tested it on her hand...


After this and in order to kill our natural face a lil bit more this was our latest "treasure" some lip explosion gloss. It's a "plumping 48 hours long effect gloss"just the perfect friend of the star bronzer or the Lancaster Tanblock...The ultimate kit for night lovers.

I luv you Reb may the Fake-tan be with you!!!!


ok let's try a before/after lol

this is the game as you can see dignityless was our motto this evening!!

you rule, bitches!!!!!!


Our Seb And our Slutty Diva,
So proud to show is new wax chest!!! seems so bitter....
So that was an open-shirt night lol Just an attitude...strike a pose
Be careful bitch you'll get cold drink a shot you'll get better!
You're so gorgeous bitch!!!


Ok there's somethin you should know bout me and my bitches....Every saturday night, we're out !!!!Most of the time in the Marais for a lil before....and then go to a nightclub...
We sat, we drink, we laugh, we are unbearable but we are so classy (at the beginning because after couple of shots, look like Amanda Lear a grey-sunday morning!!!) .
Every saturday night is a mix of shots, tequilla and champagne....but what for???
Is our final goal to be like Joan Collins???
No simply have fun and once a week be with the people you really love.
This saturday was first of all Palmier Bar

and then a lil sushi just to give our stomach something!!
As you can see Reb is fabulous in every occasion !!
After a lil walk we went to the Dandy's ( aka Bazooka)
and this was the point of no return!!Please be kind they were drunk !!!!!
I know i got some fu**ing embarrasing files here but here you know what ??let's go bitch till the end!

here's Reb and the Diva (the real not the crappy one!!)

Ok this is Franck, aka Mariah Brother, lucky us he's not fat as is sister but got the same sl*ty diva attitude so cool!!!lol
This was a Champagne night, you'll see that everytime we 're doing something; we do it with EXCESS!!!No Limit!!!!
Just to explain that Franck is one of the most important person to me. It's just not about going out and have fun but sharing every moment...tough or sweet he's always here...
I know is passing through so hard times now...
I have so much memories with him and The Diva, so much nights, so much tears too...but no matter...

Ok this is the last one but not the least; Seb, I can't find the you that's rule!!lol but you know what this was about our night so ...There was another girl too...our entertainment for the
After the Dandy's and two bottle of Champagne and several cocktails we took a cab to a club...but hey no pics and no big deal!!
I'll try to post more pics for our next saturday night.
I tried to do a pic of my Bitches but I turned the wrong button...I made a short movie....
Ok dun need some explanations lol
Sorry we usual

More to come...


Ok , here's lil song from Divine...
Divine was an overweight post-disco diva, transvestite and John Waters 'egerie.
She did several movies and some really fuc**ing catching songs
I love excess in general and Divine is so trash and so Divafuc**ers!!!!

The song is called "You think you're a man!!"

Enjoy bitches....

About me ....ego speaking!

I , ok , the time has come to launch a blog. I saw so many people doing this kind of ego-diary that my first and natural sense came to me .... speakin''bout me wooow I'll love it!!!
But hey , I decided to speak about everything that makes my life but particuliary to my bitches...Oh yeah I do love them!!!!!!!
So you'll find music, places, people, clothes, facts that I enjoy...
My name is A...(ok I know most of the readers already know!!!), 24 ( GOSH!!!!!), living in Paris (or nearby!!!).

The time has come to share some lil' secrets with you...